Gregory J. Huebner
Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN
Office: 317-361-6386
1973 M.F.A. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois
Primary area of concentration: Painting
Secondary area of concentration: Twentieth Century Art History
1971 B.A. St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Kansas
Major: Art
Minor: Philosophy
POSITION Professor of Art and Chair, Art Department
Professional Organizations National College Art Association of America–since 1973
Gallery Representation Bonfoey Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio
Boody Fine Arts, St. Louis, Missouri
Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis, Indiana
2002 Eric Dean Gallery, Deer Art Wing, Fine Arts Center, Wabash College,
Crawfordsville IN
2002 Ruschman Art Gallery Indianapolis IN
1999 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN
1998 Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware OH
1998 Hoyt Institute of the Arts, New Castle PA
1997 Indiana University–East, Richmond IN
1997 Jay County Arts Council, Portland IN
1997 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
1996 Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City TN
1995 Indiana University Southeast, New Albany IN
1994 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN
1994 Purdue University, Lafayette IN
1993 20–Year Retrospective, Eric Dean Gallery, Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN
1993 Carnegie Art Center, Leavenworth KS
1992 St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, St. Mary-of-the Woods IN
1989 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN
1986 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN
1981 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN
1979 Indianapolis Art League, Indianapolis IN
1978 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
1978 Notre Dame University, Notre Dame IN
1978 Hammond Art Center, Hammond IN
1975 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN
1974 Belleville Area College, Belleville IL
1974 Munchnic Museum of Art, Atchison KS
1973 Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville IL
1971 St. Benedict's College, Atchison KS
2004 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
2004 Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, Chelsea, New York NY
2003 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
2002 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
2001 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
2000 Boody Fine Arts, St. Louis MO; selected gallery artists
2000 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
1999 Bonfoey Gallery, Cleveland OH; selected gallery artists
1998 Louisville Visual Art Association, Louisville KY; five-artist exhibit;
Painted Music: Regional Abstraction,
1998 Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis IN; exhibited with painter Endi Poskovic
1998 Wabash College, Eric Dean Gallery, Crawfordsville IN; Searching for the Spiritual
1997 DePree Art Center Gallery, Hope College, Holland MI; Searching for the Spiritual
1997 Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York NY; selected gallery artists
1997 Bonfoey Gallery, Cleveland OH; selected gallery artists
1997 Peoria Art Guild, Peoria IL; exhibited with ceramist Randy Carlson
1996 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
1996 Phoenix Gallery, Topeka KS; selected gallery artists
1996 Carmichael & Carmichael Fine Art, St. Paul MN; four-artist exhibit
1996 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond KY; exhibited with sculptor Doug Calisch
1985 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
1995 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN; exhibited with Native American artist Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
1994 Ball State University, College of Architecture Gallery, Muncie IN, Feb/March;
Sacred Place Experiences
1993 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
1992 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
1992 DePauw University, Greencastle IN; exhibit with sculptor Doug Calisch
1991 Alabama State University, Montgomery AL; three-painter exhibit
1991 Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette IN; four-painter exhibit; Painting in the 90's
1991 Ruschman Gallery, Indianapolis IN; selected gallery artists
1990 Artlink Contemporary Artspace, Fort Wayne IN; Painting Now II
1985 Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis IN; Masters and Apprentices
1983 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN; exhibited with sculptor Doug Calisch
1981 Krannert Gallery, University of Evansville, Evansville IN; Seven Midwest Painters
1980 Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis IN; Indiana Contemporary Artists
1980 Midwest Museum of American Art, Elkart IN; Recent Paintings by Four Indiana Artists
1980 St. Mary's College, Notre Dame IN; exhibited with sculptor Lee Sido
1979 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN; exhibited with sculptor Lee Sido
1979 Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville IL; exhibited with Moira Geoffrion, and Michael Auckas; Outstanding Alumni Exhibit
1978 Washington Gallery, Indianapolis IN; Contemporary Indiana Artists
1977 Burpee Art Museum, Rockford IL; exhibited with sculptor Lee Sido
1977 Wabash College, Crawfordsville IN; exhibited with sculptor Lee Sido
1976 Riverfront Gallery, St. Louis MO; New Directions Painting and Drawing
1993 Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville MO
Fifth Annual National Art Competition
Juror: Kay Walkingstick—Artist, Professor of Art, Cornell University
1991 Center for Visual and Performing Arts, Munster IN
48th Annual Northern Indiana Art Association Exhibition
Juror: Marianne Deson—Gallery Director
1991 Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis IN; collaboration with Quilt Artist Anita Hardwick; Second Annual Quilt America
Jurors: Paul Pilgrim and Gerald Roy—California Gallery Directors
1991 Executive Inn, Paducah, Kentucky; collaboration with Quilt Artist Anita Hardwick
American Quilter Society National Competition
Jurors: Judy Mathieson, Jennette Muir, and Judy Warren—Quilt Artists
1991 Hilton National Conf. Center, Williamsburg, Virginia; collaboration with Quilt Artist Anita Hardwick; The Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show III
Jurors: Kay Lukasko and Diane Haywood—Quilt Artists
1990* Center for Visual and Performing Arts, Munster IN
47th Annual Northern Indiana Arts Association Exhibition
Juror: Richard Hunt—Sculptor
1990 FAVA Gallery, Oberlin OH; collaboration with Quilt Artist Anita Hardwick
Artist as Quiltmaker IV
Juror: Terry Hancock Mangat—Quilt Artist
1989* Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis IN; collaboration with Anita Hardwick
Indiana Quilting
Juror: Arnold Savage—Fiber Artist
1988 Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute IN
44th Annual Wabash Valley Exhibition
Juror: Robert Yassin—Director, Indianapolis Museum of Art
1987 Center for Visual and Performing Arts, Munster IN
Northern Indiana Art Association 44th Annual Exhibition
Juror: Jay Paul Bell—Professor of Art, Northern Illinois University
1987 Artlink Contemporary Artspace, Fort Wayne IN
Midwest Drawing Exhibition
Juror: Holliday T. Day—Curator of Contemporary Art, Indianapolis Museum of Art
1986 Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute IN
42nd Annual Wabash Valley Exhibition
Juror: Howard Wooden— Director, The Wichita Art Museum
1981 Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute IN
37th Annual Wabash Valley Exhibition
Juror: Alice Barber—Artist
1979 Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville IN
32nd Annual Mid States Art Exhibit
Juror: Thomas M. Messer—Director, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
1979 Lafayette Art Center, Lafayette IN
Artforms ’79
Juror: Judith Tannenbaum—Acting Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago IL; Research Curator, Guggenheim Museum, New York NY
1979 Hammond Art Center, Hammond IN
36th Annual Northern Indiana Art Assocition Exhibit
Juror: Akram Midani—Dean, College of Fine Arts, Carnegie Mellon University
1978 Hammond Art Center, Hammond IN
35th Annual Northern Indiana Art Association Exhibit
Juror: Graham Beale—Curator, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis MN
1978 Indianapolis Art League, Indianapolis IN
Art 500
Juror: George Ortman—Professor of Art, Crambrook Academy of Art
1978 Sheldon Swope Art Museum, Terre Haute IN
34th Annual Wabash Valley Art Exhibit
Juror: William Crutchfield—Artist, New York City NY
1978 South Bend Art Center, South Bend IN
10th Biennial Michianna Regional Art Exhibit
Juror: Diana Lazarus—Assistant Curator of American Painting and Sculpture, Indianapolis Museum of Art
1977 Burpee Art Museum, Rockford IL
53rd Annual Rockford and Vicinity Exhibit
Juror: Derek Guthrie—Associate Editor, The New Art Examiner, Chicago IL
1977* Sheldon Swope Art Gallery, Terre Haute IN
33rd Annual Wabash Valley Exhibition
Juror: Richard Hunt—Artist, Chicago IL
1977* Hammond Art Center, Hammond IN
34th Annual Northern Indiana Art Association Exhibit
Juror: Michael Danoff, PhD—Director/Curator, Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee WI
1977 Lafayette Art Center, Lafayette IN
8th Biennial Tippicanoe Art Exhibit
Juror: Phyllis Kind—Director, Phyllis Kind Gallery, Chicago IL
1977* Indianapolis Art League, Indianapolis IN
Art 500
Juror: Betty Parsons—Director, Betty Parsons Gallery, New York City NY
1976 Evansville Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville IN
29th Annual Mid-States Art Exhibit
Juror: John Canaday—Art Critic, The New York Times
1976* Paul Sargent Gallery, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston IL
7 for ’76 — Seven State Regional Art Competition
Juror: Robert Hughes—Art Editor, Time Magazine
1976* South Bend Art Center, South Bend IN
9th Biennial Michiana Regional Art Exhibit
Juror: Joshua Kind PhD— Art Critic, The New Art Examiner; Professor of Art &n