Emergency Procedures Guide

Dial 911 for Emergencies

Department of Safety and Security: (765) 361-6000

Dean of Students Office: (765) 361-6310

Crawfordsville Police Department: (765) 362-3762 (admin)

Emergency Instructions


If a power outage occurs in your office or building:

1.                   Remain calm.

2.                   Provide assistance to others in your immediate area who may be unfamiliar with the space.

3.                   If you are in an unlighted area,                proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lights.

4.                   If you are in an elevator, stay calm.  Use the emergency button or telephone to call 361-6000.

5.                   If instructed to evacuate, proceed cautiously to the nearest clear exit.

6.                   Planning for such situations includes knowing where a flashlight is available.

7.                   Call Campus Safety and Security at 361-6000.

8.                   Initiate power outage protocols for critical operations.


A tornado warning is the sounding of the emergency sirens for three minutes followed by seven minutes of silence. A warning indicates a tornado has been sighted by ground observers or has appeared on radar within Montgomery County.

If a Tornado Warning has been issued for your area:

1.                   Stay inside and be alert to falling objects.

2.                   Stay away from windows, mirrors, glass, and unsecured objects such as filing cabinets or bookcases.

3.                   Proceed to a below-ground-level or central hallway of the building if possible (look for signs).

4.                   Do not use elevators.

5.                   If requested, assist persons with disabilities to the safest areas on the same floor.

6.                   Planning includes identifying the appropriate place in your building to seek shelter should a tornado occur.

7.                   Listen to weather radio.


Medical emergencies occur from time to time in various facilities. Any person who becomes aware of a medical emergency should immediately take charge of the situation and assess the need for medical assistance as quickly as possible.

If a Medical Emergency Occurs:

1.                   Clear the area of unnecessary persons to the extent possible.

2.                   If the situation warrants, assign a specific person to call 911 and  Safety and Security at 361-6000, indicating the nature of the problem and the exact location of the injured or ill person.

1.                   Call 911 for the following:

a.       Unconsciousness

b.       b. Suffocation or breathing    difficulties

c.        Severe pain/pressure in chest

d.       Severe bleeding

e.        Any other life-threatening or potentially permanently disabling injury or illness

2.                   If you dial 911, your call will be answered a dispatcher. Notify the dispatcher that the incident is on the Wabash College campus and give the dispatcher the name of the building and best entrance to use.

3.                   If 911 is called, have someone meet the EMS vehicle and escort the medics to the scene.

4.                   Try to make the subject comfortable as possible. Unless trained in basic first aid, do not render treatment.


Chemicals, leaking gas, faulty boilers, or falling aircraft could all be the cause of life-endangering explosions.

If an Explosion Occurs:

1.                   Remain calm.

2.                   Be prepared for possible further explosions.

3.                   Stay away from windows, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases, and electrical equipment.

4.                   Be guided by Police or Fire Dept. personnel. If evacuation is ordered, proceed to one of the designated exits.

5.                   Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in obvious immediate danger (of fire, building collapse, etc.).

6.                   Open doors carefully. Watch for falling objects.

7.                   Do not use elevators.

8.                   If requested, accompany and assist persons with disabilities who appear to need direction or assistance.

9.                   Do not use matches or lighters.

10.                Avoid using telephones.


In the event of a fire, pull alarm, exit building, and call 911.

How to Report a Fire:

1.                   If a burning odor or smoke is detected, call 911. If a fire is present, pull a fire alarm to evacuate the building. Report the location of the fire and, if known, what is burning. Note: pulling the fire alarm may not automatically notify the fire department.

Response to Audible Fire Alarms:

1.       If the audible alarm sounds, evacuate the building.

2.       Do not use the elevators.

3.       If requested, accompany and assist persons with disabilities who appear to need direction or assistance.

4.       Leave all parcels and personal property inside.

5.       Remain approximately 50 yards from the exits to help facilitate clear access to the building for the Fire Department.

6.       Return to the building only when instructed to do so by Police or Fire officials.

In the Event of a Fire:

1.                   If you can help control the fire without personal danger, take action with available firefighting equipment. If not, leave the area.

2.                   Never allow the fire to come between you and an exit.

3.                   Close doors behind you to confine the fire.


Chemical spills or releases may occur within various work areas or student spaces. Even a broken thermometer and the release of mercury is considered a chemical spill and should not be handled by a person who is not trained or equipped to respond properly.

If a Chemical Spill Occurs:

1.                   If a chemical spill or release takes place, notify Campus Safety and Security at 361-6000. *

2.                   If the chemical is known and possible danger to persons exists, evacuate everyone from the immediate area.

3.                   If the entire building requires evacuation, activate the building fire alarm system and follow building evacuation procedures.

4.                   Take measures to prevent others from entering the contaminated area until emergency responders arrive.

5.                   Meet the emergency response personnel to provide information and assistance as requested.

6.                   Do not notify persons of a potential health threat until correct information about the material released is determined by the appropriate authorities.

* Call Campus Safety and Security at 361-6000. Safety officials will determine if the Crawfordsville Fire Department or a Hazmat response is required. Make sure to advise Campus Safety and Security of the exact location of the spill, the room and building, and a phone number at which you may be reached. Describe any known injuries.


Continuous sounding of the fire alarm and the flashing of the fire alarm strobe lights located throughout building is the signal for immediate evacuation from the building. (Although a fire alarm is the primary means of notification, there may be times when a verbal or intercom notification will be required.)

In Advance:

1.                   Become familiar with your work area and routes of emergency exit. Locate a primary route to exit the building and two alternate routes in the event a planned route is blocked. Be familiar with the location of stairwell exits to the outside and other building conditions such as construction.

Upon Hearing or Seeing the Alarm:

1.                   Immediately evacuate the building.

2.                   Stop what you are doing and walk (do not run) to the primary or alternate route you have identified. Close but do not lock doors behind you.

3.                   Use stairs. Do not use elevators. If power fails, persons inside  elevators will become trapped.

4.                   Once outside of the building, go to an area that you and your colleagues have previously identified as a gathering location. Go at least 50 yards from the building.

5.                   Report to the office manager or supervisor that you are out of the building and safe. If someone cannot be accounted for, notify emergency service personnel when they arrive. This is particularly import for a person who has restricted mobility.


Each year in the United States, there are over 5,000 reported fires in general office buildings. In Indiana a fire occurs every nine minutes. Following a few simple precautions could prevent many of these fires.

For a Fire Safe Workplace:


                     Smoking is not permitted in campus buildings. Care should be taken to insure that discarded cigarettes are completely extinguished when they are placed in trash receptacles or dumpsters near buildings.


                     Replace any electrical cords that have cracked insulation or a broken connector.

                     Extension cords are permitted only for temporary use and should never be run across doorways or where they can be stepped on.

                     Do not pinch electrical cords under or behind furniture.


                     Leave space for air to circulate around heaters and other heat-producing appliances such as copy machines and computers.

                     Designate an employee to turn off or unplug all appliances, including coffee makers, at the end of the day.

                     Do not overload outlets or extension cords.


                     Keep exits, storage areas, and stairways free of waste paper, empty boxes, dirty rags, and other fire hazards.

                     Open flames are not permitted in residence halls and fraternities.


Arson is the largest single cause of fires in office buildings.

                     Adhere to buildings security measures and keep unauthorized       people out. Lock doors after business hours.

Plan Ahead

In the event of a fire, a safe, speedy response depends on how well employees are prepared for emergencies.

                     Familiarize yourself with the building’s evacuation plan.

                     Count the number of doors between your work area and the nearest exit.  Remember you may have to find your way in the dark.

                     Learn the location of alternate exits.

                     Know the location of the nearest fire alarm and fire extinguisher, and learn how to use them.


Theft is the most frequent of campus crimes.

To Avoid Becoming a Victim:

1.                   Keep personal property secured, to not leave valuables unattended in public places, hide property from view in parked vehicles, and mark  valuable items for identification.

2.                   Protect your Student ID. Identity theft is a growing problem. Guard your mail, don’t provide personal information over the phone, keep your Social Security Number confidential, check your credit report once a year, and shred unneeded copies of documents with identifying or confidential information. Report the lost or theft of your Student ID immediately to the Dean of Students at 362-6310 and IT Services at 361-6302.

3.                   Keep doors and ground-level windows locked and always lock your room door.

4.                   Report the loss of a room door key immediately to the Student Life Office.


It is possible, although highly unlikely, that a staff member may someday receive a threatening telephone call, letter, or a suspicious parcel or discover a suspicious object somewhere on the premises.

If You Receive a Telephone Threat:

1.                   Remain calm.

1.                   Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. Try to keep the caller talking so that you can gather more information.

2.                   Use the Explosive Device Data Record information on the next page to question the caller in a polite and noninterrogative manner. Use any means, even humor, to prolong the conversation. This will provide a better chance to identify the voice and hopefully obtain additional information about a device, the validity of the threat, or the identity of the caller.

3.                   Upon completion of the call, immediately call police at 911 and Campus Safety and Security at 361-6000. Complete the Explosive Device Data Record as soon as possible while the incident is fresh in your memory.

4.                   If a threat has been received by another individual and he/she is relaying this information to you, use the Explosive Device Data Record to get as much information from them as possible.

A suspicious item is defined as anything which is out of place and cannot be accounted for or any item suspected of being an explosive device.

If You Receive a Written Threat or a Suspicious Parcel or Discover a Suspicious Object Anywhere on the Premises:

1.                   Keep anyone from handling it or going near it.

2.                   Do not use portable radio equipment within 50 yards of the suspicious item.

3.                   Notify Campus Safety and Security at 361-6000.

4.                   Promptly write down everything you can remember about receiving the letter or parcel or finding the object. The information will be needed for the investigation.

5.                   Remain calm. Do not discuss the threat with other staff members.

6.                   Planning includes being familiar with the appearance of suspicious packages.



Questions to Ask:

1.       Is the device set to explode?

2.       Where is it right now?

3.       What does it look like?

4.       What kind of explosive device is it?

5.       What will cause it to explode?

6.       Did you place the explosive device?

7.       Why?

8.       What is your address?

9.       What is your name?

Exact Wording of the Threat:






Sex of Caller:____Age of Caller:______


Number at which call is received:



Caller’s Voice:

___ Calm

___ Angry

___ Excited

___ Slow

___ Rapid

___ Soft

___ Loud

___ Laughter

___ Crying

___ Normal

___ Distinct

___ Slurred           

___ Nasal

___ Stutter

___ Lisp

___ Raspy

___ Deep

___ Ragged

___ Clearing throat

___ Deep breathing

___ Cracking voice

___ Disguised

___ Accent

___ Familiar

Background Sounds:

___ Street noises

___ House noises

___ PA system

___ Music

___ Office machinery

___ Factory machinery

___ Animal noises

___ Voices

___ Static

___ Clear

___ Phone booth

Other _______


Threat Language:

___ Well spoken

___ (educated)

___ Foul

___ Irrational

___ Incoherent

___ Taped

___ Message Read by Threat Maker

Give responding officers this completed sheet.

Your Name:_______________________


Phone #:__________________________




Safety Guidelines for Dealing with an Armed Subject

An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area; in most cases there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, and require the immediate assistance of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and reduce the number of innocent victims.

In general, how you respond to an active shooter will be dictated by the specific circumstances you encounter. Try to remain calm and use the guidelines to help you plan a strategy for survival.

If an active shooter is outside your building:

Proceed to a room that can be locked, close and lock all windows and doors, and turn off all lights. If possible, get everyone down on the floor and ensure that no one is visible from outside the room. One person in the room should dial 911 to advise the dispatcher what is taking place and  inform them of your location. Remain in place until a police officer or school administrator known to you gives the all-clear message.

Do not respond to any voice commands until you can verify with certainty that they are being issued by a police officer or school administrator.

If an active shooter is in the same building you are:

Determine if the room you are in can be locked, and if so, follow the above procedure. If your room can’t be locked, determine if there is a nearby location that can be reached safely and secured, or if you can safely exit the building.

If an active shooter enters your office or classroom:

Try to remain calm. Call 911 if possible, and alert the police to the shooter’s location. If you can’t speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place. If there is absolutely no opportunity for escape or hiding, it might be possible to negotiate with the shooter. Attempting to overpower the shooter with force should be considered a very last resort after all options have been exhausted. IF the shooter leaves the area, proceed immediately to a safer place and try not to touch anything in the vicinity of the shooter.

No matter what the circumstances, if you decide to flee during an active shooting situation, make sure you have an escape route and plan in mind. Do not attempt to carry anything, move quickly, keep your hands visible, and follow the instructions of any police officers you may encounter.