From the Editor

Faculty Notes

Alumni Events

Schedule of Events

End Notes

Losing Focus
by Charlie Blaich



Summer Stories


"There are no endings. People die between birthdays and go on for years; what stops things for a moment are the words you've found for the last bit of light you think there is..."

- Stephen Dunn

A Man’s Life: A Fine Specimen

"He was friendly, outgoing, and like so many who come from a frontier setting, loved to tell stories about himself."

by Robert Finch

Dean of the Cornfields

Mauri Ditzler '75 returns to "the work that defined me."
by Jim Amidon '87

Voices: Summer Stories

from Summer of Night
by Dan Simmons '70

Bale Jump
by Andrew Dits '06

An Old Man's Eyes in Quito
by Greg Bercos '06

by Ken Ogorek '87

Driving Lessons
by Doug Calisch


The Nun I Dated
by Frederik Ohles

Whoopee Ti-Yi-Yeow!
as told by Lu Hamilton '76

The Preacher and the Bear
as told by Raymond B. Williams H'68

Teaching from the Heart
by Greg Britton '84

By Indian River, Baranof Island
by Marc Hudson


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