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Conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg to speak tonight

Conservative newspaper columnist Jonah Goldberg will speak tonight on the Wabash Campus.

Goldberg, is the editor-at-large for the National Review Online and a contributing editor for National Review. He also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column which appears in the Crawfordsville Journal Review and The Indianapolis Star.

Goldberg’s appearance is sponsored by Student Senate, The Commentary and the Young America’s Foundation. He is scheduled to speak at 7:15 p.m., tonight, in the Wabash College Chapel. His talk will be titled: "Decision 2004: A View from the Right."

Goldberg, 31, is known for his wit and critiques of politics, the media and cultural issues. He’s been widely published including The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, National Review and Food and Wine.

He is a former television producer, including the PBS series Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg from 1995 to 1998. He has written and produced two documentaries. He has become a frequent guest on many television and radio programs including Good Morning America, Larry King Live, Today, Nightline, Hardball with Chris Matthews, Politically Incorrect, C-SPAN, Special report with Brit Hume, Geraldo, and the NBC Nightly News.

Before working in television, Goldberg was a research analyst in social and political studies at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington D.C. He is a graduate of Goucher College and a former member of its Board of Trustees. He has worked in London for United Press International and also for Scripps Howard News Service.

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