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MLK Scholar To Speak Tonight

 A civil rights activist of the 60s and noted Martin Luther King scholar will speak tonight at Wabash College.

Dr. Lewis Baldwin, a religion professor at Vanderbilt University, will deliver remarks at 8 p.m. in Salter Concert Hall.

Baldwin, a native of Camden, Alabama, grew up in Wilcox County where he participated in student demonstrations and other civil rights activities. At the height of the civil rights movement, he attended Talladega College and received a degree in history in 1971.

He has a master's degree in Black Church Studies and theology and received his Ph.D. degree in American Christianity in 1980 from Northwestern University.

Baldwin is an ordained Baptist minister who has preached and appeared throughout the country. He has taught at Wooster College, Colgate, American Baptist College before joining the Vanderbilt faculty.

He is a widely published author of books and articles on Dr. King and civil rights.

Baldwin’s message at Wabash will focus on Rev. King’s legacy for the 21 st Century.

The program is sponsored by the Wabash Religion and Speech Departments, the Multi-Cultural Concerns Committee, the Hadley Fund, and the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies.

Photo of Dr. Baldwin courtesy Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.

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