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2005 Monon Bell Stag

The Indianapolis Association of Wabash Men and Indianapolis DePauw Alumni held their annual Monon Bell Stag at the Westin in downtown Indianapolis on Thursday, November 10, 2005.  Over 150 alumni participated in the annual event which features awards and the traditional "roasts".

This year’s event was organized mainly by Jon Pactor W’71, Mark Dinwiddie D’71, Brad Johnson W’71, and Jason Lee D’02.  Many thanks to those guys for a fun evening.

The Spirit of the Monon Bell awards were presented to Wabash president Andy Ford H’03 and to Dr. Phil Eskew D’63.  Both men received a standing ovation for their service to their Alma Maters and communities.

Wabash’s director of Public Affairs Jim Amidon ’87 provided an overview of what to expect at Saturday’s game.  Jim’s sense is the game will be a great match-up between two very talented teams.

Wabash’s roaster for the evening was Dr. Chris Carr ’82 and roasting the Little Giants from DePauw was Mark Dinwiddie ’71.  Both men did a great job.

A good time was had by all.

Photo:  Wabash president Andy Ford H'03 (l) receives the Spirit of the Monon Bell award from Mark Dinwiddie D'71.

For more photos, click here.