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Wabash Day 2008 - Champaign, Ill.

For the Wabash Day site in Champaign IL, we volunteered to do some outdoor work and administrative tasks at the Crisis Nursery.

The Crisis Nursery is committed to creating an island of safety, dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect through the provision of emergency intervention, respite care, and support to families in crisis. All of these services are provided to the community free of charge.

We had four volunteers for the event – Nate Bell ’05, Parker Collins ’05, Rob Gorham ’69, and Crystal Zulauf. Our outdoor activities consisted of gardening and trimming plants, in order to help keep the beauty of the Crisis Nursery. In addition, we completed some necessary administrative tasks.

All in all, we had a successful event. I know the Crisis Nursery appreciated our efforts!

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