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What to do if You Experience Flu Symptoms


Perform “self-isolation”

• Contact the Student Health Center via phone (765-361-6265) or e-mail to determine whether or not you need an appointment (note that if the Health Center is overwhelmed, we may not be able to see all students).

• Contact your “flu buddy” to arrange for meals to be brought to you in your room.

• Contact your professors and coaches to inform them of your condition and to get instructions on class assignments, etc.

• If you must go out, minimize your exposure to others and wear a mask (available at the Student Health Center).


Faculty and Staff

Perform “self-isolation” 

• Contact your private physician for advice.

• Contact your students and the Dean to inform them of your condition and how you plan to manage your course(s), etc.

• If you must go out, minimize your exposure to others and wear a mask (available at the Student Health Center).



The Wabash Student Health Center has recommended a preliminary plan to prepare for an outbreak of H1N1 influenza on campus. Discussions will be ongoing between the staff of the Health Center, the Wabash Administration, campus security, campus services, food services, and Safety Committee to develop more specifics. The plan will be modified as more information and guidance is released from health authorities and as the severity of the influenza season unfolds. The current plan is based on the CDC Guidance for Response to Influenza for Institutions of Higher Education during the 2009-2010 Academic Year.


Influenza Kits

Students are advised to put together a personal “flu kit” to include:

• Thermometer (digital easiest to use)

• Hand sanitizer

• Fever reducer (Tylenol or ibuprofen)

• Cough syrup

• A mask (available at Health Center or CVS)

• Bottled water, sports drinks, soups

• Box of Kleenex tissues