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Isolation of Faculty & Staff with Influenza-Like Symptoms

Faculty and Staff Isolation/Infection Control Recommendations

• Should self-isolate at home or at a friend or family member’s home until they are free of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours (even if on anti-viral medication).

• The College will re-examine its absence policies for faculty and staff in order to encourage ill employees to stay home. Note that physician offices may be overwhelmed during an outbreak and may not be able to see everyone who is ill or provide work excuses for everyone.

Faculty and staff who have an influenza-like illness should seek medical attention from their private physician if:

• They have a medical condition that puts them at high risk from complications from the flu including:

   • Children younger than 5 years.

   • People older than 65 years (though they are less likely to contract H1N1 disease).

   • Children younger than 18 years who are on long-term aspirin therapy.

   • Pregnant women.

   • Those diagnosed with asthma.

   • Those with chronic heart, lung, liver, hematologic, neurologic, neuromuscular, and metabolic (including diabetes) diseases.

   • Adults and children with immunosuppression from disease, medications or chemotherapy.

   • They are concerned about their illness.

   • They have a high fever.

   • They have significant breathing difficulty or rapid breathing.

   • They have significant chest pain or pressure.