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Grand Rapids Alumni Welcome President and Mrs. White

The Western Michigan Association of Wabash Men welcomed President and Mrs. Pat White back to Grand Rapids for their annual dinner on February 12, 2011. 

Arguably the largest turnout ever in Grand Rapids, the group welcomed three prospective students and their parents.  All of these families mentioned the important role Wabash alumni have played in their college search.

The night featured video from the 2011 Monon Bell game and part of the Monon Bell Chapel given by the senior football captains.  The local Wabash organizers also included a raffle of Wabash apparel.

The highlight of the evening was a report by President White on the state of the college.  President White covered the great year Wabash is having by reviewing the successes of our faculty in attaining research grants, the academic achievements of our students, and the performance of our sports teams.  White went on to cover the importance of the college’s Challenge of Excellence, explain how this $60,000,000 campaign will provide the resources to attract and retain top-notch faculty by providing salary augmentation and funds for faculty development.  White mentioned the Challenge will also provide opportunities for increased student off-campus experiences, further deployment of the Business Leaders Program, and increased funding for scholarships.

President White reported on his recent trip to Morocco and the growing interest world-wide for providing a liberal arts education.

Also representing the college was Marc Welch '99, senior assistant director of Admissions and regional representative. 

Many thanks go to Keith Morgan ’97 for making all the arrangements for the evening and for serving as the emcee for the dinner. 

Top:  President Pat White
Middle:  Keith Morgan '97 introduces President Wite
Bottom:  Marty Fisher (l), wife of Jay Fisher '66, and Chris White (r) talk to a prospective student's mother.


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