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Football Adds Win to Homecoming Fun

The Little Giant football team added an exclamation point to Homecoming festivities with a 49-0 romp over Kenyon.

Chapel Sing

Chapel Sing kicked off Wabash College Homecoming festivities Thursday morning. The Theta Delts took top honors in the annual freshman rite of passage.

Theta Delt took the top honors singing Old Wabash with Sigma Chi coming in second. Lambda Chi scored third and Phi Psi was fourth. The Betas, FIJIs, and Kappa Sig tied for fifth.

The fraternities and united independents will compete throughout the weekend in float building, sign building, house decoration, chant, and queen contest for overall Homecoming Honors.

One of Thursday’s highlights beyond the fun, singing, and competition was the spirit of brotherhood shown by the Phi Psi freshmen. One of the pledge class members got a red W for getting the words to Old Wabash incorrect when he was taken inside the Chapel.

The young man was noticeable distraught. His pledge brothers all painted a red W on their white t-shirt after the competition so he would not be singled out through the rest of the day.

Wabash Always Fights!

Homecoming Overview

Wabash College will honor alumni for achievement, welcome new members into the alumni ranks, and celebrate Homecoming this weekend. Activities begin with Thursday’s Chapel Sing, continue Saturday morning with the Homecoming Alumni Chapel, and wrap up with Saturday night’s Homecoming Concert.

The highlight of Homecoming is the Alumni Chapel program, at which the National Association of Wabash Men holds its annual meeting. While the business meeting consists of a single vote approval and a gavel rap, the Chapel provides an opportunity for the NAWM to recognize members of the Wabash community for their outstanding accomplishments.

Three remarkable men will receive Alumni Awards of Merit during the Alumni Chapel, which begins at 11 a.m. in the Pioneer Chapel on the Wabash campus.

Kevin G. Clifford ’77 (above right) will receive the Frank W. Misch Alumni Service Award for his many contributions to Wabash. Since his graduation, Clifford has served as a class agent, president of the Chicago alumni association, hosted dozens of alumni social and admissions recruiting events, and since 1994 served as a member of the Wabash College Board of Trustees.

M. Ashraf Haidari ’01 will receive the Fredrick J. Urbaska Civic Service Award, which recognizes alumni for their service to the communities in which they live. Haidari is the youngest alumnus to earn the honor, and is celebrated for his work for the government of his home country, Afghanistan. Since his graduation, he has worked in many capacities — from director of government and media relations to deputy assistant national security advisor to his current role with the ministry of foreign affairs.

Timothy J. Padgett ’84 (left) will receive the Clarence A. Jackson Career Service Award for his 27-year career in journalism. Padgett is Time magazine’s Miami and Latin America bureau chief, and previously worked for Newsweek magazine and the Chicago Sun Times.

His reporting has included some of the hemisphere’s most important events of the last 25 years — from the 2000 Florida election recount to Hurricane Katrina and the earthquake in Haiti to his on-the-scene coverage of the rescue of the Chilean mine workers.

In addition to the Alumni Awards of Merit, the NAWM will also present the Young Alumnus Award, and awards for alumni contributions in career services and admissions.

Kelly D. Pfledderer ’96 (right), president and founder of the Indianapolis technology firm Apparatus (one of the region’s fastest growing companies), will receive the Young Alumnus Award. Pfledderer was elected to the Wabash Board of Trustees in 2010.

Roland D. Morin ’91 will be named an Alumni Career Services Fellow. Morin taught the College’s Summer Business Immersion course, and has been the driving force of the Marketing Immersion Program since its inception.

John N. Fox ’64 and James A. Dyer ’83 will be named Alumni Admissions Fellows for their work as volunteer recruiters on behalf of the Wabash Admissions Office.

Two long-time members of the Wabash community will be welcomed into the alumni ranks as Honorary Alumni.

Tobey C. Herzog (left), Professor of English and Faculty Marshal, will be named an honorary member of the Class of 2011. Herzog, an Illinois Wesleyan graduate who earned his Ph.D. from Purdue, has served as department and division chair, earned the College’s Excellence in Teaching Prize, and served and chaired countless committees in his more than 30 years of teaching at Wabash.

R. Brent Harris (right), Director of Sports Information and Marketing, will be named an honorary member of the Class of 2003. Harris became the College’s SID in 1999 after serving as a dedicated volunteer for more than a decade. He has been honored for his technology skills, sports writing, and media guide production, and is an honorary member of the Sphinx Club.

Harris and Herzog join History Professor Emeritus Peter Frederick, who joined the Class of 1992 during the Macolm X Institute of Black Studies' 40th anniversary celebration September 17.

The full Homecoming Schedule includes:

Wednesday through Saturday

8:00 p.m. — Wabash Theater Department presents Lend Me a Tenor (Ball Theater)

Thursday, September 29

11:00 a.m. — Chapel Sing on the College Mall

4:15 p.m. — Alumni Colloquy: Tim Padgett ’84 on Journalism Today (Center 216)

Friday, September 30

3:00 p.m. — Class Agents Forum

Saturday, October 1

10:00 a.m. — Kane Society Reception (Caleb Mills House)

11:00 a.m. — Homecoming Alumni Chapel (Pioneer Chapel)

12:15 p.m. — Celebrating Leadership Luncheon (Knowling Fieldhouse)

2:00 p.m. — Homecoming Football Game (Wabash vs. Kenyon)

5:00 p.m. — Homecoming Post-Game Social (Knowling Fieldhouse)

7:30 p.m. — Homecoming Concert (Salter Concert Hall)

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