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SCAWM Dinner

a man talking to another man

Nate Mullendore '07 chats with Emeritus Professor of Biology Aus Brooks '61.

a man giving a thumbs up to a woman

President Pat White talks with the parents of a prospective student.

a group of people eating at a dinner table

Steve Hoffman '85 accompanied his son to this year's event.

a group of people sitting around a round table

Dr. David Blix (right) leads the conversation at President White's table.

a group of people sitting at tables

We easily filled International Hall tonight to the point that...

a group of people sitting around a round table

..Mike had to move upstairs in order to take more pictures. 

a group of people sitting around a round table

Lively conversation at Craig Green '59 and Greg Miller's '83 table.

a group of people in front of a projector screen

After dinner, Associate Professor of Modern Languages Dan Rogers gave a presentation on the collaborative work of our students and faculty in Ecuador.

a group of people sitting at tables in front of a projector screen

Dan's presentation concluded a wonderful evening of Wabash fellowship and scholarship.

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