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Top Ten Academic Sessions

a man teaching in a classroom

Associate Professor of Biology John Munford led one of the afternoon biology sessions.

a group of men in red shirts

Biology major J.P. Manalo '07 demonstrates the proper technique.

a group of people in a lab

Dennis Frazee '07 takes few minutes to get acquainted with some future bio majors.

a group of people working on a project

This prospective students seems to have the hang of it.

a man talking to a group of men

Associate Professor of Chemistry Scott Feller leads a tour through one of the chemistry labs in Hays Hall.

a man standing in front of a computer

Trayton White '08 helps students working on 3-D modeling of proteins. 

a man standing in front of a screen

Meanwhile in Baxter Hall, Stephen Dyson of the Political Science department leads a discussion on leadership.

a man pointing at a screen

Asprining economists rolled up their sleeves to work through some complicated problems with Professor of Economics Frank Howland..

a group of people using laptops in a classroom

Amanda Ingram, Assistant Professor of Biology, and David Maharry, Professor of Math and Computer Science teamed up to led an exercise on evolution.

a group of students sitting in a classroom

Todd McDorman of the Rhetoric Department led a discussion entitled "Apologia in Sport". 

a group of people walking on a sidewalk

While their sons were in the classrooms and labs, parents went on campus tours like this one led by Richard Roomes '08.

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