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Delt Groundbreaking

a man standing at a podium

Jim Dimos '83 was master of ceremonies for the groundbreaking.

a man standing at a podium

Jim Russell, President of Delta Tau Delta International, congratulated the alumni and college for the renovation plans.

a man standing at a podium

President Patrick White offered the appropriate congratulations and talked about the hospitality he had enjoyed from the fraternity men this school year.

a man standing at a podium

House President Will Arvin '08 thanks those in attendance for their efforts to renovating the house.

a group of men holding shovels

From left, Russell, contractor Terry Green, President White, Arvin, David Morgan, architect John Lamson, and Dimos.

a group of people posing for a photo

At the conclusion of the ceremony, everyone was invited into a group shot to commemorate the occasion.

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