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2007 Glee Club Reunion Concert

a group of men singing

High Note

Homecoming Saturday ended on a beautiful note as the combined alumni and current Glee Club joined forces for an extraordinary concert Saturday night. More than 120 singers from the Class of 1941 to the Class of 2011 took the stage for the two-hour concert that also brought together Glee Club directors from three different eras

a group of men singing in a choir

Warm up

The combined Alumni and current Glee Club warms up before the concert.

a man in a suit speaking to a group of men


Former Glee Club Director Frederic Ford returned for the Reunion. The former assistant director of the Harvard Glee Club, Ford directed the Wabash Glee Club from 1972 to 1979, leaving to join the faculty at Rutgers. In 1990 he began a new career teaching music for 16 years at the high school level, where he was his school's 2006 Governors Teacher of the Year.

a man carrying a child on his shoulders


Glee Club fans cheer on the singers as they enter Salter Hall.

a group of men singing

Professor Scott Himsel ’85 (right) was among those returning for the Glee Club Reunion.

a man in a green and white striped shirt

The audience stood and joined the Glee Club for Alma Mater.

a group of men singing

Alma Mater

Glee Club President Clayton Craig ’08 led the group in the singing of Alma Mater.

a group of men singing

Dick Ristine ’41 and Steven Zusack ’06 sing Alma Mater.

a man in a suit and tie

The Ristine family ties to Wabash go back to the founding and former Indiana Lieutenant Governor Dick Ristine ’41 has served the College in numerous ways, including as a trustee and director of development.

a group of men in suits and ties

Benjamin Harvill ’10 and Russell Winfrey ’11 sang tenor solos on "The Greenland Whale Fishery."

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