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Wamidon Spring Concert — April 9, 2008

a group of men wearing clothing

Kunga Choden, Kyle Prifogle, Sean Foster, and Steve Hernandez perform during Wamidan's Spring concert.

a man holding a drum

Wabash librarian Brian McCafferty on an endingidi.

a group of people playing drums

DePauw biology professor Janet Vaglia dances while DePauw student Ganga Devaiah plays drums.

a group of men wearing clothing

Bernard Meyer and Steve Hernandez ham it up as they "learn" to play the madinda.

a man with a black hat and black curly hair playing a musical instrument

Kunga Choden performs on the adungu.

a woman hugging a man

Teye Morton, who played Gona, is comforted by Ruth Nduta, who played Ngwina, in a scene from Wamidan's spring concert.

a man and a child wearing green and yellow clothes

Sister Stella, who wrote "Friendship Between a Crocodile and a Monkey," Wamidan's spring performance, smiles as Dioni Miles-Morillo gets a big hand.

a group of men holding a box

Brian McCafferty and James Makubuya perform in Wamidan's spring concert.

a woman wearing a green scarf on her head

Caity Charles, a Crawfordsville High School senior, has been a long-time member of Wamidan's dance ensemble.

a woman with a drum

Ganga Devaiah, a DePauw first year student, is a Wamidan newcomer.

a man and woman with a string instrument

Wabash Magazine editor Steve Charles happily performs on the adungu while Hnin Pwint Soe, a DePauw junior, looks on.

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