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Nolan High School

a man sitting at a desk with a pile of books

Peter Pactor listens as his students translate the Aeneid

a group of people sitting in a classroom

The bulletin board in Peter Pactor's classroom has a distinctive look to it.

a person reading a book

A student of Peter Pactor's doing a little translation. With only 14 students, everyone had the chance to excel.

a man and woman in a room

Josh Jones gets the class going during a shortened class period

a woman holding a drawing

A student in Josh's English class explains her political cartoon

a man holding a piece of paper

Another student with a political cartoon. The interesting thing to watch is their reaction to the candidates and their communication styles.

a man in a blue shirt

Gabe Duarte explaining the finer points of a persuasive speech

a white board with black writing on it

Signs in the classroom of Gabe Duarte - the meter at the very bottom is a fun meter...I thought the Air Force were the only ones with a fun meter...

a group of people in a gymnasium

The entire school attends the Liturgical Service in the main auditorium

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