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Family Day '09

a man in a red shirt talking to a group of people

Tom Runge, Director of Alumni and Parent Relations, introduces the morning speakers.

a group of people sitting in chairs

Gary James '10, at center, talks about his summer internship at National Public Radio and the assistance he got from Wabash Career Services.

a group of people sitting at tables

Parents listen in seeking advice to pass along to their sons.

a couple of men sitting in chairs

Willie Matis '10 shared a story of how a summer internship changed his career plans.

a group of people sitting at a table

A nice parent crowd of about 60 listened during the Career Services presentation.

a man in a suit giving a presentation

Director of  Safety and Security Rich Woods talked about campus behavior and safety issues.

a group of kids standing in a hallway

After two morning sessions parents and families headed to Knowling Fieldhouse for a "tailgate." One of the popular items was the free buttons claiming a Wabash students as son, brother, sister, God son, grandson ... you get the idea!

a group of people sitting at a table

Family day is a time for mom and dad to catch up with their son's first few weeks at Wabash.

a group of people sitting at a table

Bryan Hutchens' 13 introduces his parents to a fraternity brother.

a group of people sitting at a table

Every home game is a bit of an "expanded" family day. Football recruits gather before the game.

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