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Wabash vs. Oberlin 2010

a basketball player in action

 And they're off!

a basketball player reaching for a ball

 Chase Haltom deflects the shot

a basketball player dunking a ball

 Blocked against the backboard by Aaron Brock

a group of men playing basketball

 Dominique Thomas to the hoop

a group of men playing basketball

 Ben Burkett's tight defense forces an errant shot

a group of men playing basketball

Nick Curosh takes it strong to the hoop and draws the foul 

a group of men playing basketball

 Chase Haltom for THREE!

a basketball player in a game

 Wes Smith takes a left hander to the hoop

a group of men playing basketball

 Ben Burkett takes it over everyone for two

a basketball player shooting a ball

 Derek Bailey from outside

a basketball player in a uniform playing a game

 Dominique Thomas from downtown for three

a basketball player shooting a ball

 Aaron Brock shot four free throws due to a dual technical by Oberlin

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