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2009 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day March

a group of people holding signs

The greater Wabash College community gathered in the Chapel Monday morning to begin a march around campus in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Students, faculty, staff, and community members — led by Dr. Cain Hope Felder — marched from the Chapel to Trippet Hall and then on to the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies.

a group of people walking in a crowd

Dr. Cain Hope Felder and former MXIBS Director Horace Turner led the MLK Day march on campus.

a group of people in hoodies

About 60 members of the Wabash community took part in the march across campus honoring Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

a group of people walking on a sidewalk

Former swimming coach Gail Pebworth and her husband, former career center director Robin Pebworth, brought their grandchildren to the MLK Day march.

a man in a black jacket and hat

Horace Turner and Dr. Cain Hope Felder gave remarks on the steps of Trippet Hall, the site of the original Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies.

a group of people standing outside

A large crowd made the most of single-digit temperatures to honor the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

a man holding a clipboard

Horace Turner, who for more than 30 years directed the MXI at Wabash, beamed with pride when he spoke about the tremendous change occuring in America.

a man in a black coat

Dr. Cain Hope Felder, who was brought to campus to give a keynote speech in Wabash's MLK Day festivities, talked briefly to a large crowd on the steps of Trippet Hall.

a man looking at pictures on a wall

Dr. Cain Hope Felder takes a look at an exhibit in the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies entitled "Black Crawfordsville: Then and Now." The exhibit contains pictures and various materials the showcase the history of African Americans in Crawfordsville.

a man wearing glasses and a scarf

Bill Cook, visiting professor of philosophy and religion, chats with MXIBS member Caleb Mast.

a man holding glasses and smiling

Dr. Cain Hope Felder talks with Robin Pebworth while in the Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies.

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