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Brigance: Teaching and Scholarship

a man speaking to a presentation

The final speaker at Friday's colloquium "The Teaching and Scholarship of W. Norwood Brigance," Professor of Rhetoric David Timmerman talked about the ways today's Department of Rhetoric is teaching students not simply to be successful, but to be citizens in the way Brigance envisioned.

an old man in front of a projector

Professor of Speech Emeritus Vic Powell H’55 was hired by Brigance in the 1950s. "I told my wife Marion that if I got Brigance's name on my resume, I could go anywhere I wanted," Professor Powell said. "That was 62 years ago!"

a group of people sitting in chairs

Professor Emeritus Vic Powell tells a story about "Briggie."

a man in a black suit

Professor of Speech Emeritus Joe O'Rourke recalled setting foot in a Wabash classroom for the first time and hearing students speaking loudly, following Brigance's directive to speak "with room-filling energy."

a man in a red shirt holding a book

University of Northern Kentucky law professor and Wabash trustee Roger Billings ’59 told stories about being a student of Brigance, as well as Professor Powell.

a man smiling and sitting in a chair

Associate Professor of Rhetoric Todd McDorman enjoyed the stories, then described the Brigance Colloquies the College has held on campus the last two years in honor of Brigance.

a group of men in a lecture hall

Trustee emeritus Bob Wedgeworth ’59 told a Brigance story of his own.

a man smiling while sitting in a chair

Professor of Rhetoric David Timmerman enjoys the session.

a group of people sitting in a lecture hall

One of Professor Powell's stories had the whole house laughing.

a man in a blue shirt

Bob Russell ’59 recalls his days as one of Brigance's students.

a woman in a white coat

Valerie Powell ’59 had her own Brigance memories.

a man talking to another man

Ken Crawford ’69, who flew in from Edwards, CA, talks with his former teacher Professor Joe O'Rourke H’65.

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