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Freshman Community Service, Album 2

a group of men digging in the grass

This group of guys couldn't wait to peel the shirts and enjoy the sun as they used fill dirt to smooth out property where Montgomery County's Habitat for Humanity chapter builds homes.

a couple of men holding shovels

Ryan Wells '13, Grove City, OH, and Austin Broadwater '13, Valparaiso, IN., break up some dirt to spread on the lawn.

a man holding a shovel

Joe Stiglitz '13, Highland, IN, moves some dirt across the yard.

a man holding a shovel

Francisco Guzman '13, Fishers, IN, works some dirt into the low spots.

a group of men digging in the dirt

Habitat for Humanity used a big group of guys to work over an area on the back side of its building on Russell St. They were burying drainage pipe to carry heavy rainwater away from the building.

a man using a tiller

Robbie Hechinger '13, Brownsburg, IN, found out that driving the rototiller isn't as easy at it looks.

a man holding a hammer

Jordan Surenkamp 13, Mooresville, IN, digs in with a pick!

a group of men digging in dirt

Pete Hewitt '10, at left, is student leader for this orientation group. He didn't hesitate to dig right in and help!

a group of people standing next to an ambulance

Spanish Professor Dan Rogers is teaching his Freshmen Tutorial on Ancient Astronomers, and he'll lead his students through an exploration of how ancient Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations understood the sky. His students spent Monday afternoon sorting out fire fighting equipment that local Rotarians ship to Mexico. "There's a nice serendipity to be working on trucks heading to Mexico when we will soon be studying ancient cultures from that region."

a group of men carrying bags of goods

Claude Johnson is a local member of Rotary who a few years ago began seeking out old fire trucks and fire fighting equipment. The trucks and gear are stored at the local Red Ball Moving Company. Johnson then leads an effort to transport the refurbished fire stations to rural villages across Mexico.

a group of people wearing helmets and boots

The "community" in Community Service often extends far beyond Crawfordsville and Montgomery County. The students in Spanish Professor Dan Rogers' tutorial spent Monday afternoon preparing fire equipment for shipment to Mexico. The students will never meet the people who will benefit from their work, yet there's also no way of quantifying just how many lives will be saved in the rural villages targeted for the refurbished trucks and gear.

a group of men standing next to a pile of boots

Students work in the local Red Ball Moving Company's warehouse sorting out fire equipment — new and used — that will be sent to Mexico to fight fires in villages not served by fire departments. The award-winning project is spearheaded by Crawfordsville's Rotary Club.

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