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Saturday Night Picnic and Gentleman's Rule

a group of men sitting on grass

 After a long day of unpacking, getting settled, orientation meetings, the Ringing In, and saying good-bye to family, freshmen enjoyed a picnic dinner in the arboretum before gathering for a forum on the Gentleman's Rule.

a man talking to another man

 Students had the opportunity to interact with the President, Deans, staff, and a few upperclassmen at the picnic.

a group of men sitting at a table

Student Body President Mark Thomas '10 (center) answers a question from a student about the Gentleman's Rule.

a group of men wearing red shirts and hats

 John Dewart '10 reacts to a question from a student during the Gentleman's Rule panel discussion.

a group of people sitting at a table

 Junior Jacob Surface explains his take on the Gentleman's Rule.

a group of men sitting at a table

 Craig Vetor '10 pauses before answering a question about the Gentleman's Rule.

a group of men sitting at a table

 Senior Jeff Kessels discusses his view on the Gentleman's Rule with the freshmen.

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