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Florence Immersion, Album No. 1

a group of people posing for a photo

Here is the entire travel group, minus photographer, in front of a statue of Francesdo di Marco Datini - also known as the Merchant of Prato. Wednesday started in Prato, a quick train ride north of Florence.

a statue on a pedestal with candles

The Cathedral of Prato, an old parish church of St. Stephen, was built in the fifteenth century. The church is unique because it houses a unique relic - the Virgin Mary's Sacred Belt. The belt is stored inside this ornate vessel just inside the Cathedral's doors. The belt, or girdle as Cook liked to describe it, is displayed from an unusual pulpit built on the front of the church. The pulpit features sculpture by the great Renaissance artist Dontello. The belt is displayed six times a year from the outdoor pulpit.

a man in a red jacket

Another stop in Prato was at the Museum at San Domenico. There was more 14th and 15th century artwork and artifacts.

a group of people standing on a sidewalk

Students take a look at the exterior or well-preserved home of Marco Datini.

a group of people standing outside

Before entering Santa Croce, Cook holds up one of the classes textbooks they had used throughout the first semester. He was reminding them of how the text and photos prepared them for the trip to Florence.

a ceiling with a mural on the ceiling

Prof. Cook tried to take the group inside Florence Cathedral Monday night but it was past closing time. We talked through briefly today. Here is a peak at the inside of Brunelleschi's famous dome which dominates the city skyline. Much more on Brunelleschi next week - when the students will climb to the top with renowned scholar Ross King.

a man eating ice cream

Corey Buehner tries some Gelato. With Prof. Cook, you get incredible insight to the worlds great art and culture - and Florence's best ice cream.

a group of men sitting at a table

The long day ended with a group meal just outside the Florence city walls. Everyone had a choice between two pizzas or a pizza and a pasta. These were full portion servings too - not both on the same plate. It was not an easy decision and a meal the Wabash guys won't soon forget.

a person serving pizza to a man

The best part about a meal like this one was trying each other's food!

a painting of a man holding a staff

In Cook's words, Florence is ground zero for great Renaissance art. You can walk in and out of churches and museums all day. The students occasionally get tired but even late in the day everyone seems to snap out of it and realize they are learning in a remarkably unique way. See more photos.

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