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Florence Immersion, Album 10

a long table with people sitting at it

The Wabash group was joined by Ross King, his nephew Ben, for a feast where Machiavelli used to dine.

a plate of meat and bread

The "feast" was one incredible meal. We started with the traditional antipasta: three crostini with liver, mushroom and live spreads. There was salami, prosciutto, a stuffed mushroom, and very thin sliced ham fat over fresh field greens. The appetizer was serviced with a 2008 Vernaccia di San Gimignano white wine.

a plate of food on a table

The pasta dish came next - flat egg noodes with a beef ragu. The highligh was the large pasta stuffed with riccota cheese and spinach.

a group of people sitting at a table

The feast not only featured traditional food but was the traditional in that we enjoyed it over a 3.5 hour time frame.

a plate of steak with sauce

The beef tenderloin was as tasty as it was beautiful. The reduction on the side was a red wine and balsamic vinegar reduction.

a plate of food with powdered sugar

Dessert was just as wonderful as the rest of the meal - perhaps a bit more decadent. It was a very nice vanilla ice cream dusted with cocoa. The small dessert bar was smothered in roasted nuts.

a group of men standing around a table

Ross King was a gracious guest throughout the two days with us. After the meal he signed every student's copy of "Brunelleschi's Dome."

a person writing on a book

The author signing another book.

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