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Senior Art Exhibit 2010, No. 2

a man and woman looking at a painting

President and Mrs. White appreciate Miguel Aguilar's paintings.

a group of people looking at a painting on a wall

The student art show always draws a big number of Wabash students.

a game of scrabble with words on it

A look at the detail in Korey Pazour's work.

a man and woman posing for a picture

Korey Pazour gives Mom a hug.

a group of men standing in a room

Miguel Aguilar enjoys photo time with family and friends.

a person holding a card

Pazour works with humor and board games to explore religion. In this piece he used game pieces of iconic religious figures. He'll have to explain the game piece here of ---- Art Professor Greg Huebner?

a group of men in a room

English Professor Warren Rosenberg enjoys chatting about the student work with Art Professor Doug Calisch.

a group of people standing in a line

A big group of students were admiring Michael Scott's animation work. Scott is at far right.

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