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Mus 202 - Instrument Building - Album 2

a man sitting on a stage holding a guitar

Korey Pazour '10 shows the intricacies of the inside of his acoustic guitar.

a man holding a guitar

While Pazour '10 did not complete his acoustic guitar, he discusses the steps he will use to finish the project.

a man sitting on a chair

William Powers '12 enjoyed making his first Didgeridoo so much that he made a second one that is smaller and more portable. The second Didgeridoo has already made an appearance at a Wabash baseball game.

a boy sitting on a stool playing a drum

Garrett Redweik '12 built a Dundum or talking drum.

a man sitting on a stool playing a drum

Derek Rowe '13 describes the features of his Djembe drum from Western Africa.

a man standing on a stool with a drum

Robert Wade '11 demonstrates the sound of his Djembe drum. Djembe means "to gather people."

a man sitting on a stool holding a small notebook

Luke Zinsmaster '12 answers a question about his thumb piano.

a group of men holding drums

  The Membranophones.

a group of men holding musical instruments

The Idiophones.

a group of men holding guitars

The Chordophones.

a group of men holding objects

The Aerophones.

a group of people holding musical instruments

Music 202, Spring 2010. Photos by Kim Johnson.

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