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Italy Alumni Trip - Florence Monday

a group of people standing on a sidewalk next to a river

A view of the Arno River from the Vasari Corridor. We received special permission to walk through this corridor since Bill is a member of Friends of Florence.

a man looking at a painting on the wall

Mike Butler '82 stops to look at one of the Medici family portraits in the Vasari Corridor.

a view of a building from a window

A view of one of the jewelry stores on the Ponte Vecchio through a portal on the Vasari Corridor.

a group of men walking in a hallway

The group walking the Vasari Corridor.

a bridge over a river with buildings and a city in the background

A view of the Arno River, Ponte Vecchio, and Vasari Corridor (beginning bottom right) from the Uffizi.

a group of men standing in a room

Viewing frescos at Santa Maria Novella.

a statue of a man on a cross

The crucifix in one of the chapels at Santa Maria Novella.

a group of people standing in a room

At Santa Maria Novella.

a group of people standing in a building

At Santa Maria Novella.

a man and woman sitting at a table

Marilyn and Bob Pinschmidt '67 at dinner at Buca Lapi.

a couple of men sitting at a table

Mike Butler '82 and Jerry Bowie '04 at dinner at Buca Lapi.

a group of people sitting at a table with wine bottles

The faculty corner of the table - David Blix '70, Lexi Hoerl, Raymond Williams, and Bill Cook '66. See photos from Assisi here.

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