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Wally Bon Vivant. Album 1

a woman holding a small object

Classics Professor Leslie Day and "Dining with Minos."

a man standing in front of a projector screen

Philosophy Professor Mark Brouwer talks about "Wine, Whisky & the Life of the Mind."

a man in a red shirt

Chemistry's Scott Feller led a session on "Good vs. Bad Fats."

a man in a white coat standing in front of a group of people

Fletcher Boyd '72 kicked the day off with a talk called "Food and the Liberal Arts: We are what we eat, so let's play with our food!" He included a little magic here to entertain as well!

a man in a suit and tie

History Professor Rick Warner gave a talk: "Amazing Maize: The History of Corn."

a woman holding a box of cereal

Chemistry Professor Ann Taylor talked some chemistry with "Corn Syrup, Villian or Victim?"

a man standing in front of a chalkboard

Classics Professor David Kubiak talked about the terroir of France and French wines. The pouring after the brief lesson proved popular!

a man in a suit and tie

John Livengood '69, President of the Indiana Restaurant Association, has had a fascinating public life. He talked about "Food for Political Thought."

a man with a mustache talking

A food bazaar preceded dinner. Tom Hastings '80 talks about brewing coffee.

a man in a suit and tie holding cups

Political Science Professor Dr. Ethan Hollander checks out the Barley Island beer.

a group of men standing in a room

There were a few students on hand throughout the day for the seminars. Members of the Wabash Brew Society poured beer during the bazaar.

a man in a suit laughing with a drink

As with all Wabash events, there was plenty of time to catch up. Former Dean of the College Mauri Ditzler shares a laugh with Dean of Advancement Joe Emmick.

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