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Baseball vs. Ohio Dominican (03-22-11)

a baseball player swinging a bat

John Pennington blasted a homer in the first inning to help stake Wabash to a 3-0 lead.

a man in a red uniform throwing a baseball

Pete Schmith earned the start for the Little Giants.

a baseball player in red shirt and white pants

David Seibel ranges to a ground ball in the first inning.

a baseball player swinging a bat

Chris Deig belts a single to right to score John Holm, who had doubled.

a baseball player sliding into the ground

Joe Johnson made several nice plays at second, including this nifty scoop.

a baseball player swinging a bat

Brian Lares belts his second straight triple. He led off the game with a triple and scored on John Pennington's homer.

a baseball player swinging a bat

John Holm doubled his first time up, then tripled in his second at bat.

a baseball player running on a field

Brian Lares got a good break on a well-hit ball to left center.

a baseball player swinging a bat

Trey Fankhauser earned the start in left and singled in his second at bat.

a man swinging a baseball bat

Joe Johnson at the plate.

a baseball player catching a ball

Chris Deig made several nice plays in right.

a baseball player swinging a bat

Tanner Coggins couldn't have hit this ball much harder, but had nothing to show for the effort.

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