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History of Christianity in Africa, Day Eight, Album Two

a group of people laughing

The Christ the King Choir performed for the Wabash group following the 8 a.m. Mass. "It is astonishing to hear songs of praise and gratitude from people who live on a dollar a day."

a person holding a paper

The Mass in Swahili and English.

a group of people looking through a gate

Kibera residents peer into the compound of Christ the King.

a group of people posing for a photo

 Jose Herrera, Professor Rick Warner, Alejandro Maya, and Michael Jon Mondovics pose with the choir after the service.

a group of children playing on a slide

A little girl on a slide in the Christ the King compound, the roofs of the slum in the background.

a person in a blue hoodie and white skirt bending over

All by herself on a Sunday morning, a little girl plays hopscotch in the Christ the King compound.

a group of men standing next to each other

 Mondovics and Maya look out over Kibera as a parishioner describes the scene.

a group of people standing in a line

Finished with Sunday School, kids begin to line up for the 10 a.m. Mass.

a group of children looking at the camera

Two young dancers among ten who performed for the Wabash group following the service.

a young girl smiling at the camera

As we left Kibera, a little girl in the market area called out, "Take my picture." 

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