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2011 Charlie Finch Memorial Alumni Challenge

a group of people running on a grass field

Kevin McCarthy, Donavan White, and the lead pack.

a man running on a track

Senior All-American Kevin McCarthy.

a man running on a track

Freshman Billy McManus.

two men running in a park

Senior Brian David and freshman Shane Hoerbert.

a man running in a red shirt

Sophomore Jake Ponton.

a man running on a track

Sophomore Dalton Boyer.

a man running in a red uniform

Senior Kenny Farris.

two men running on grass

Jacob Surface ’11 and Jeff Lampert ’92.

a group of men running on grass

Senior Donavan White.

a group of people running on a track

Sam Starbuck heads out for the last mile.

two men running on a track

Adam White ’98 was the top alumni finisher, and runs here with his stepson, junior Jordan Hoerr.

a man running on a sports field

President White starts the Finch Memorial race as he does every year. The President was a distance runner at the University of Chicago.

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