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2007 Baccalaureate Service

a man in white robe and red scarf speaking at a podium

The Rev. John Ohmer ’84, Rector of St. James Episcopal Church In Leesburg, Virginia, gave the Baccalaureate Sermon.

a man in a robe

President Patrick White takes part in his first Wabash Baccalaureate Service.

a man in a robe reading a book

The Rev. Joseph Cunningham, University Chaplain and Dean of the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso University, gave the opening invocation. His son, Ben, is a graduating senior at Wabash.

a man in a robe with his hands up

Richard Bowen directs the Glee Club in its performance of "The Last Words of David."

a man in a white robe pointing at a microphone

Rev. John Ohmer began his sermon by talking about his time at Wabash. Here he demonstrates how Emeritus Classics Professor John Fischer handled the first paper Ohmer submitted to him: "Like a dirty diaper."

a man in a suit and tie reading a book

Alumnus Bill Cook ’66 got to the Chapel early to secure a good seat, then relaxed with some light reading: Dante!

a man in a graduation gown

Chairman of the Board of Trustees Joe Barnette ’61 gave the morning prayers at Baccalaureate. Mr. Barnette is completing his ninth and final year as Chairman of the Board of Wabash.

a man in a graduation gown laughing with another man in a cap

Emeritus Biology Professor Aus Brooks and Rev. Ohmer share a light moment after the Baccalaureate Service.

a group of men wearing graduation gowns

Emeritus Trustee Richard Ristine ’41 is greeted by current Trustee Dr. Jim Cumming ’61. Dr. Cumming was recently re-elected an Alumni Trustee in voting by the National Association of Wabash Men. Also pictured (from left) are Trustees Steve Bowen, Roger Billings, and David Givens, along with Honorary Degree recipient Rusty Nichols ’63.

a man wearing a graduation gown

Dr. Russell "Rusty" Nichols ’63 is President of Hanover College and is the recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Wabash.

a man in a cap and gown posing for a picture

Andrew Ditz ’07 and his good friend Reynaldo Pacheco ’06 pose after Baccalaureate. Pacheco just completed his first year at the University of Southern California graduate school in film, the same program in which Ditz will enroll this fall.

a man in a graduation gown and cap standing next to a woman

Udayan Chattopadhyay poses with members of his family following the Baccalaureate Service.

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