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Siena, Italy Day 2

a street with flags and cars

Neighborhood (or Contrada) flags are flying in one section of the city. The Contrada is having a weekend festival.

a group of men standing next to each other

Gordon Vogel and P.T. Buntin listening to Bill Cook on a stop along city streets

a view of a city from a brick wall

Making our way up to Saturday morning's first stop provided some spectacular views of the city.

a group of people sitting on steps

The traveling group listens to Bill's background of the establishment of churches in Europe.

a group of people standing in a line

Once inside, Bill describes the 13th and 14th century art.

a religious painting on a wall

The alter at Santa Maria dei Servi

a group of people in a church

Group studies a 13th century painting

a painting of a woman in a church

Another altar in the church

a tall tower with a bell tower and buildings

Prof. Cook reminds his visitors to be sure to look around at every corner for great visuals. Wandering the streets of Siena provides spectacular views of the City Hall Tower and Cathedral.

a man drawing on the ground

Much like any European cities, street artists are frequently encountered.

a large crowd of people in a plaza

The center of all Siena activity - the Campo.

a group of people sitting on a stone bench

After a visit to the city's historic hospital, the group listens to Bill wrap up the day's scheduled activities.

a man and woman eating ice cream

When in Italy, there's nothing better than a mid-afternoon gelato break. Stan VogelĀ  and his wife try a cone.

a group of kids in sacks

Walking back to the hotel before dinner we found the Contrada celebrating its festival hosting a sack race for kids.

a group of people sitting at a table

We were on our own for dinner Saturday night. With so many great little family restaurants it's hard to go wrong - but go where Bill Cook sends you. We like to call this group our travel staff. Jerry Bowie, Jake Ezell '10, and Admission Counselor Tim Cheek joined me for dinner.

a plate of pasta with meat on it

Alumni travel is about the culture, art, and history of a region.. And it's certainly about the food. This was my Pappardelle with rabbit on Saturday night.

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