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Ecuador/Galapagos Album 1

a landscape with a body of water and a sandy island

Sunset on Bartolome Island, Galapagos Photo by David Krohne

a butterfly on a leaf

Butterfly rests on palm frond—Tiputini Biodiversity Station Photo by David Krohne

a group of people on a beach with a seal

Ronald King ’09 and Jeff Austen ’10 relax with a new friend on a Galapagos beach between snorkeling sessions. Photo by David Krohne

a tree with no leaves

Giant ceiba tree emerges above the rainforest canopy Photo by David Krohne

a frog on a log

Poison arrow frog near the Tiputini Research Station, Ecuador. Photo by David Krohne

a group of people posing for a photo

Students and professors at at the Galapagos "Post Office", where they left a letter. Click here for more about Post Office Bay. From left to right: Jeff Austen, Kyle Hays, Pat Murphy, John Dewart, Kyle Schroering, Ryan Walden, John O'Donnell, Andrew Hasty, Sheryl Krohne, Dave Krohne, Ken Engle, Jill Rogers, Dan Rogers, Ronald King.

a lizard in front of a cactus

Land iguana on the Galapagos Photo by David Krohne

a turtle swimming in the water

Pacific green sea turtle off Bartolome Island Photo by David Krohne

a forest of trees with many leaves

Rainforest near Tiputini Research Station, Ecuador Photo by David Krohne

a seal swimming in the water

A baby sea lion pauses to study Professor Krohne. Photo by David Krohne

a turtle with a large head

A wild Galapagos tortoise in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. Photo by David Krohne

a bird flying over water

Swallow-tailed gull—the only nocturnally feeding gull in the world—off the coast of Islas Plazas, Galapagos Photo by David Krohne

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