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Freshman Saturday

a man sitting in a chair

David Hauck, Indianapolis, goes through the Freshman Saturday routine of getting 'mugged' for his student identification card. Photos by Howard W. Hewitt

a group of people around a table

Jamie Ross and Jeana Rogers have the freshmen lined up for their ID photos.

a group of people in a classroom

ESH coordinator Kyle Dunaway answers questions about working for Wabash.

a group of people in a classroom

Director of Human Resources Cathy Metz answers a freshman's question.

a group of people looking at a piece of paper

Kenny Farris, Indianapolis, picks up his registration materials as Dad looks on.

a group of men unloading boxes from a van

Little Giant football players were all across campus helping freshmen feel welcome and moving the heavy stuff into the dorms and fraternity houses.

a man in a red shirt carrying a black bag

Having all those things packed neatly into the back of a truck makes it even easier to unload.

a room with boxes and a window

If you look closely you'll see top of Derek Bailey's Mom's head behind the mountain of things he brought to campus.

a group of men moving a large wooden box

Josh Gangloff '09 handles the top of this dresser, while it seems to take four guys on the other end.

men standing around a large grill with meat

Over at the Beta house, alums were grilling up some lunch for the returning students and incoming freshmen.

a couple of men standing in a room

Do you like the way it looks in this corner?

a man holding a wooden box

The Wabash football players not only carried in refrigerators, televisions, and boxes and boxes of personal items, but also helped move furniture from College Hall basement up the stairs.

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