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The Government Inspector at Wabash — Oct. 8-11, 2008

a man in a suit holding a piece of paper

Reed Hepburn (right) makes his Wabash stage debut as the Postmaster in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

two men in suits looking at each other

Luke Robbins (the Superintendent) takes his turn being yelled at by Mayor Matt Goodrich in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a man in a suit and tie reading a book

Senior Ronald King plays the Warden in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a man standing back to back with another man standing behind him

Jorge Rostro as the Judge and Matt Goodrich as the Mayor in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

two men looking at each other

Jake Sauer (left) plays Ossip and James Morrey plays a John Lennonesque Khlestakov in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a woman pulling a girl's hair

Kristen Wilkins and Macie Rudoff in in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a group of men on a stage

Matt Goodrich yells at Svistunov (A.J. Hudson) and Derzhimorda (Mark Lewellyn) in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a group of men sitting on a couch

Clay Zook (Dobchinsky), Matt Goodrich (the Mayor), and James Morrey (Khlestakov) play a hilarious scene in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a boy dancing on a stage

James Morrey as Khlestakov in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

a group of men on a stage

The Mayor (Matt Goodrich) and Khlestakov (James Morrey) argue while Dobchinsky (Clay Zook) nervously listens in The Inspector General by Nikolai Gogol and directed by James Phillips.

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