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Marc Hudson is professor of English at Wabash. “After a Painting by Diego Rivera” is reprinted fromThe Disappearing Poet Blues, published by Bucknell University Press.


Summer/Fall 2002

an additional selection from

The Disappearing Poet Blues

by Marc Hudson

After a Painting by Diego Rivera



A man bent double by flowers—
great, open throated calla lilies, no less.
Ah, the burdens of poetry.


So it was one afternoon
when she came by
with her white shoulders all bare,
I was brought to my knees by beauty

and try as I might
I can never rise in this life again.


Into that wilderness of sorrows
I have walked a few paces
following the man of thorns,

but have gone no further
these several years.
I can believe his suffering,
the spikes, the hard blows
as if they were laying track with his body
into the twentieth century.

His release, I can't believe.
Why can't we admit
the project of love
broke him
as it would you or me?


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