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Theater - Agamemnon

  February 11–14, 1981

A play by Aeschylus
Translation by Richmond Lattimore
Original Music composed by Fredric Enenbach
Production Staff
Director: James Fisher
Scenic Designer: Kenneth Kloth
Costume Designer: Andrée Stern          
Stage Manager: Jeff Hicks ‘83
Asst. to the Director: William Eastridge ‘82
Production Consultant: John Fischer
Cast List
Watchman: Daryl Johnson ‘82
Chorus Leader: Virgil Miller ‘81
Chorus: Angelo McCabe, Michael Whelan ‘83, Benjamin McCormick ‘84, Rick Haffner ‘82, Henry Sabetti ‘84, Dan Jacoby ‘84
Clytaemestra: Sue Ann Meek
Handmaidens: Nancy Foos, Brenda Barnes
Herald: Brian Jones ‘82
Agamemnon: Jerry Billings
His Soldiers: Darryl Johnson ‘82, Brian Jones ‘82
Cassandra: Barbara Metzelaars
Aegisthus: Michael Robak ‘81
His Soldiers: Parvin Gillim ‘83, Charlie Moore
Production Assistance
Graphics: Mary Johnson
Orchestra: Kenneth Berger, Michael Millin ‘83, Randall Stump, Jeffrey Warbinton ‘81
Technical Assistants: Brian Jones ‘82, Eric Mannel ‘83
Light Crew: Mike McDonough ‘82, Eric Mannel ‘83
Windchimes: Nancy Enenbach
The trilogy called Oresia by Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.), of which Agamemnon is the first play, deals with the succession of crimes and retribution in the house of Atreus.  The tragedy of Agamemnon involves war and politics as well as a domestic triangle, and the rich and subtle poetry of the play is the perfect medium for its problems and insights.
This page is part of an ongoing project to document the history of the theatre productions performed at Wabash College.  If you have information not included on this page, please contact the Theater Department or Professor Dwight Watson ( 




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