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Photo by Alex Moseman
Barrington Hodges '10 and friends during a medical mission trip in El Salvador last spring break - one of many examples in this issue of students, alumni, and faculty immersed in "Our Mutual Life."

Gary James '10

The Son of Our Heart
Faisal Ahmed '95

Jonathan O'Donnell '10: Quite a Force
Howard W. Hewitt

To Love the Minds of Young Men

Dear Young Wabash College (unedited versions)
William Cook '66

A Man's Life: Deployed
Pierce Pettis

Tom Whowell: The Classical Entrepreneurial Attitude

Beyond Words
Alex Moseman '11

Honest Places in Phony Times
Jackson Schmidt '75

The Grace of Hope in the Midst of Horror
Andy Dreitcer '79

Wabash to the Rescue
Richard Rose
David Krohne
To See One's World Anew
Jeremy Harnett '96
Online Extras
Student Blog/Video of Medical Mission to El Salvador
The Cast of "Mister Roberts" Revealed
Tom Whowell '62: The History of Gordy's
Montgomery County Local Food Guide
More About the Wabash Community Garden
Dr. Fahmeed Hyder's Research
Professor Sayre's NSF-funded Research Studies Physics Education
Feller's NSF Grand Funds Research and Learning
Professor Schmitzer-Torbert Earns NIH Grant
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