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Academic Bulletin Division II - Course Descriptions - 2005-06

Currently viewing 2005-06 bulletin

HUM 121 Introduction to Language: Language Diversity as Reflected in Literature (ENG 121)
Readings in the history and culture of English through historical texts in Anglo-Saxon, Middle and Early Modern English, and American English, with particular attention to the diversity of our language. One-half course credits, first half fall semester.
Credits: 1/2

HUM 122 Introduction to Language: Modern Linguistics (ENG 122)
An introduction to the basic principles and methods of linguistic analysis, with emphasis on Modern English grammar. One-half course credit, second half fall semester.
Credits: 1/2

HUM 196 Religion and Literature (REL 196 / ENG 196)
A study of religious themes and theological issues in diverse literary works. Each week will focus on a single text. Authors represent various religious traditions (like Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism) and raise particular religious questions (like the problem of evil, the question of atheism, the role of tradition, and the nature of redemption). Enrollment limited to 15 students. One course credit, fall semester.
Credits: 1

HUM 277 The City and Beyond: Urban Tales in Film
The course will offer an exploration of city life through feature films from various countries, leading to an understanding of the ways urban spaces have been represented as sites that can be comforting, dystopic, or something in between. Films from various periods in the history of cinema will be chosen for the course. Theoretical readings and written assignments will complement class discussions, which will be led serially by faculty members from several departments. Typically, a member of the faculty will lead discussions of two films (i.e. two weeks of the course). Films will be shown with subtitles – no foreign language proficiency expected. The course is particularly appropriate to those with an interest in non-Hollywood cinema, and those considering study abroad. One course credit, fall semester.
No prerequisites.
Credits: 1

HUM 296 Religion and Literature (REL 296 / ENG 296)
A study of religious themes and theological issues in literary works.
Credits: 1

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