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Academic Bulletin Theater - 2006-07 - 101 THE 101

Currently viewing 2006-07 bulletin

THE 101 Introduction to the Theater
Designed for the liberal arts student, this course explores many aspects of the theater: the audience, the actor, the visual elements, the role of the director, theater history, and selected dramatic literature. The goal is to heighten the student's appreciation and understanding of the art of the theater. Play readings may include Antigone, The Menaechmus Brothers, Hamlet, Tartuffe, A Doll's House, The Cherry Orchard, A Dream Play, The Good Woman of Setzuan , The Glass Menagerie, Krapp's Last Tape, and The Mystery of Irma Vep. The student will be expected to attend and write critiques of the Wabash College Theater productions staged during the semester he is enrolled in the course. This course is intended for the non-major/minor and is most appropriately taken by freshmen and sophomores.
Credits: 1

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