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Academic Bulletin English - 2007-08 - 101 ENG 101

Currently viewing 2007-08 bulletin

ENG 101 Composition
Ten sections will be offered in the fall semester. Each section is limited to 15 students. While instructors may use different approaches, all are concerned with developing every student’s use of clear and appropriate English prose in course papers and on examinations. All instructors have the common goal of encouraging the student to write with accuracy of expression, as well as with logical and coherent organization. Students will be responsible for writing at least one in-class essay and a series of longer, out-of-class essays. In both full-course and half-course versions, students must develop an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses in their writing and must acquire the necessary skill to revise and rewrite what they thought were final drafts of essays. They must, in other words, become editors of their own writing. Past experience has shown the Department and the College that writing well in high school does not necessarily assure the same in college. On the basis of the English proficiency examination performance, the Department will require some first-year students to register for this course. (Three of the fall semester half-courses begin mid-semester. Students who have experienced difficulty in writing during the first several weeks may wish to consider late registration in these sections.) English 101 is NOT a remedial writing course. Special tutorial help within the department and at the Writing Center is available for students with more fundamental problems in writing. One-half or one course credit. This course is offered in the fall semester.
Credits: 1/2

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