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Academic Bulletin Freshman Tutorials - 2005-06 - 5 FT 5

Currently viewing 2005-06 bulletin

Fall Semester

FT 05-A Making It in the Performing Arts
Larry Bennett, Department of Music, TTh, 2:40-3:55
What preparations and conditions pave the way for a successful career in the performing arts? Why do some careers continue to thrive, even after decades, while others falter? In this tutorial, we will examine the changing circumstances and personal qualities that influence the curves of performers’ careers. Students will investigate the struggles, successes, and failures of outstanding classical musicians (Joshua Bell, Lang Lang, Placido Domingo) actors (Uma Thurman, Sean Penn), pop stars and groups (Josh Groben, Bruce Springsteen, Radiohead) and cross-over artists (Bobby McFerrin, Philip Glass) past and present, the famous and not so famous. Students interested in sports may also consider the careers of well-known athletes (Nolan Ryan, Magic Johnson, Lance Armstrong). Insights from playwrights, directors, and film composers like Neil Simon, Clint Eastwood, and Tan Dun, respectively, will shed light on the lives and trials of well-known artists. Aspects such as stress management and dealing with performance anxiety will also be considered. This tutorial will include readings from personal accounts by renowned artists, viewing of pertinent films, and attendance at live performances. At the end of the course, each student will interview a professional performer.
Credits: 1

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