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Academic Bulletin Freshman Tutorials - 2005-06 - 5 FT 5

Currently viewing 2005-06 bulletin

FT 05-G Komodo Dragons and Purple Rain; Environment and biodiversity
Peter Mikek, Department of Economics, TTh, 9:45
The course will explore two important and tightly interrelated aspects of modern life: the decreasing quality of our environment and the increasing number of endangered species. Growth of the human population is shrinking the habitats for many species and therefore threatens the diversity and normal functioning of our ecosystems. Furthermore, the production of goods and services has strong side effects that damage our environment. Both the disappearing biological diversity and the degradation of the environment bring into question the paradigm of our civilization and set forth serious threats for our future well-being. Is it time to rethink our attitude toward the environment? Can our society reshuffle its value system before we are dramatically pushed to do so in order to survive? An eclectic variety of readings should provide a good basis for examining the facts and for fostering critical thinking about the environment and society.
Credits: 0

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