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Academic Bulletin Content Area Course Requirements - 2013-14

Currently viewing 2013-14 bulletin

Following is information regarding course requirements for students (by major) who are pursuing the Secondary (grades 5-12) Licensure Program:


NOTE: Students in any major who is pursuing the Secondary Licensure Program will meet the College distribution and graduation requirements. Within these distribution and graduation requirements, the student should take a course in oral communication (RHE 101 or THE 105); and an additional writing course beyond ENG 101 in prose writing if he received below a C in Freshman Composition, if his SAT/ACT writing scores are below what the state requires, or if he did not pass the writing section of the PRAXIS I exam on the first attempt.


Division I (Science and Mathematics)

According to state standards, the following courses meet Indiana Secondary (grades 5-12) Teacher Licensure Requirements for Science and Mathematics (effective with the entering class of 2013):


Biology (Life Science)

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in biology

•           Take the following additional course: DVI 301 and 302* (earth space science)

•           Recommended to take an additional course in chemistry and physics (if not already taking as part of biology major)



•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in chemistry

•           Take the following additional courses: BIO 111 (for general science requirement for licensure) and DVI 301 and 302* (earth space science)

•           Recommended to take an additional course in physics (if not already taking as part of chemistry




•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in physics

•           Take the following additional courses: DVI 301 and 302* (earth space science), and BIO 111

            (for general science requirement for licensure), and CHE 111 (for general science requirement for



Physical Science

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in chemistry OR physics

•           Chemistry majors must take the following additional courses: PHY 113, 114, 210 and one more full credit course (to be determined in consultation with the Chair of Physics and the Chair/Director of Education Studies)

•           Physics majors must take the following additional courses: CHE 211, 221 and 2 additional credits

(preferably 222, 351, or 451, but can be determined in consultation with the Chair of Chemistry and the Chair/Director of Education Studies)


NOTE: DVI 301 & 302 Earth Space Science is a survey of the fields of astronomy, geology, and meteorology designed for those preparing for the secondary teaching license in a scientific field. The work is typically completed on an independent basis and both DVI 301 and 302 must be taken to receive the full credit.

Prerequisites: Must be a major in a lab science, must be admitted to the Education Licensure Program or have permission of the Chair/Director of Education Studies, should have junior or senior standing and should have completed EDU 101, 201, 202, and 302. This is an arranged course.



•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in mathematics

•           To include the following courses*: MAT 111 (unless the candidate has tested out), MAT 112 (unless the candidate has tested out), MAT 219 (offered in alternating years), MAT 221, 222, 223, 254 (1/2 credit), 331 (recommended to take as a sophomore), and 333 (may be taken as a senior).


NOTE: Eight and one-half credits are prescribed for the secondary teaching license in mathematics. Several of the courses are offered in the spring semester only, so scheduling is a challenge. Students are advised to meet regularly with the Chair of the Math Department if his advisor is not a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics. Also, please note that math majors pursuing the  Education Licensure Program will find that their required major courses fit under the pure math track.


DIVISION II (Humanities)

According to state standards, the following courses meet Indiana Secondary (grades 5-12) Teacher Licensure Requirements for English Language Arts, French, German, Latin, and Spanish:


English Language Arts (English literature majors)

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in English

•           To include the following courses:

As part of the required three core survey courses (ENG 215-220), one should be in American literature, one should be a course in world literature (an intermediate course or colloquium), one  should be a course in multicultural literature (introductory or intermediate course).

Additionally, students should take an additional course in composition beyond ENG 101 (expository or creative) and fulfill the linguistics requirement (ENG 121 and 122 or 123).

Rhetoric requirement:  RHE 101 and an additional special topics course in Rhetoric related to media.


NOTE: Students majoring in English/Creative Writing must take enough literature courses to meet state standards, and should consult with the Chair/Director of Education Studies and the Chair of the Department of English when selecting courses.


World Languages



•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in Latin

•           To include the following courses: LAT 201, 202, 301, 302, 304, 330, and 400

•           One course from LAT 210, 387, or 388.

•           CLA 104 or 106 (recommended to take both)



•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in French

•           To include the following courses: FRE 201, 202, 301, 302, and 401

•           Four additional culture and literature courses



•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in German

•           To include the following courses: GER 201, 202, 301, 302, and 401

•           Four additional culture and literature courses



•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in Spanish

•           To include the following courses: SPA 201, 202, 301, 302, and 401

•           Four additional culture and literature courses


NOTE: Students licensing in Spanish, French, or German will be required to take an oral proficiency exam at the expense of the student. Please consult with the Chair/Director of Education Studies to make arrangements for this exam. It is suggested students take the exam during or just following the student teaching semester.



DIVISION III (Social Sciences)

According to state standards, the following courses meet Indiana Secondary (grades 5-12) Teacher Licensure Requirements for social studies (majors in Economics, History, Political Science, and Psychology,). State requirements ask that students major in an area for which they seek licensure. Effective with the entering class of 2011, students may license in one area of the social sciences; however, in order to better prepare for the job market, they are advised to take additional course work in other content areas to enable them to license via testing in more than one area.


Economics Major

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in Economics.

•           At least ONE course in each of the other social science departments (History, Psychology, Political Science).

•           If the student is interested in licensing in additional areas of the social sciences, the student should consider a minor in the department and he is advised to meet with the Chair/Director of Education Studies to discuss specific requirements for licensure.


History Major

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in History

•           To include the following: Three courses in U.S. history, one course in European history, and two

            additional (beyond 101 and 102) courses in world history.

•           Recommended to take HIS 301 when it is offered as one of the world history courses

•           At least ONE course in each of the other social science departments (Economics, Psychology,

            Political Science).

•           If the student is interested in licensing in additional areas of the social sciences, the student should consider a minor in the department and he is advised to meet with the Chair/Director of Education Studies to discuss specific requirements for licensure.


Political Science Major (government and citizenship)

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in Political Science.

•           To include the following: One advanced course in U.S. government and two courses from PSC 311, 312, 313, 314, or 317.

•           At least ONE course in each of the other social science departments (History, Psychology,

            Economics). Students are recommended to take HIS 102 and ECO 101 as they will also fulfill

collateral requirements for the PSC major. The psychology course selection should be discussed with the Chair/Director of Education Studies.

•           If the student is interested in licensing in additional areas of the social sciences, the student should consider a minor in the department and he is advised to meet with the Chair/Director of Education Studies to discuss specific requirements for licensure.


Psychology Major

•           Fulfill departmental requirements to complete the major in Psychology.

•           At least ONE course in each of the other social science departments (History, Economics, Political Science).

•           If the student is interested in licensing in additional areas of the social sciences, the student should consider a minor in the department and he is advised to meet with the Chair/Director of Education Studies to discuss specific requirements for licensure.

•           Because Psychology is not a required course in most high schools, students are advised to consider an additional license in historical perspectives (enabling him to teach U.S. and World History), which   will require additional course work (possibly a minor) in history.


Post-Baccalaureate Programs for Licensure Completion

All students qualifying and approved for these programs must meet the same admission and retention standards as regular licensure program students. A separate application process is required and should be completed at the time of application to the Education Licensure Program.


Ninth Semester Program

This program allows admitted licensure program students to return for an additional semester immediately after graduation to complete student teaching on a tuition-free basis (other administrative fees apply). The Ninth Semester Program student must have completed graduation requirements with an academic major and minor (in Education Studies). The program is available to students in majors for which we offer licensure programs, and is tuition-free (applies only to Education courses). College housing is NOT available to Ninth Semester Program students.


Science Education 4 + 1 Program

This program allows admitted licensure program students to return for two additional semesters immediately after graduation to complete their education course work on a tuition-free basis (other administrative fees apply). This tuition-free program is only available to Wabash students in laboratory science majors. Students wishing to apply for this program should begin education course work prior to or during their senior year at Wabash. To be eligible, students must be accepted, must be graduated with a major in a laboratory science. The tuition-free coursework applies only to education courses taken in the 9th and 10th semester, the post-baccalaureate licensure year. Please see the Chair/Director of Education Studies for details. 4+1 Program students must have taken EDU 101 to apply, and are encouraged to take EDU 202.


Transition to Teach Program

Individuals interested in the Wabash Transition to Teach program should contact the Chair/Director of Education Studies for information on this program because requirements differ slightly from those listed in the current Academic Bulletin. Wabash offers this program only at the secondary level.

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