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2004 Monon Bell DVD Available

Production of the DVD of the 111th Monon Bell Classic is completed. Now that the finished product—which includes the entire game, 32 "Monon Memories" of past battles for Bell, a photo gallery, all-time scores, and the Ballad of the Monon Bell music video—has been delivered to Sony Disc Manufacturing, fans can purchase copies from the Wabash College Bookstore.

"It takes Hollywood studios several months to put a DVD together, but given that many people have asked about pre-Christmas delivery, I wanted to move fast," says Ken Owen, director of media relations at DePauw, who edited and mastered the finished product. He and Jim Amidon, director of public affairs and marketing at Wabash College, co-produced the telecast of the game seen nationally on DirecTV. Amidon contributed the cover art (pictured), and DePauw University's Matt Bowen created the on-screen menus (one is seen at right) and the images seen in the 32-shot photo gallery.

"Ken Owen has made production of the Monon Bell DVD a quick and easy process," says Amidon. "It's great for the players, their families, and alumni from Wabash and DePauw to have a permanent record of the best rivalry in all of college sports. Win or lose, the Monon Bell DVD is a collectable for every college football fan from Wabash and DePauw. Every down, every hard hit, and every big catch of the 2004 Bell game is preserved forever on this disc."

The DVD is available from the Wabash College Bookstore (link below). DVDs of the 2001, 2002 and 2003 games are also still available from the Bookstore. Email the bookstore at

The Monon Bell DVDs have been available through the Internet, campus bookstores and an Indianapolis Borders Books and Music store, and have been reviewed in the Indianapolis Star, where reviewer Steve Slosarek called the 2003 disc "a splendid keepsake."

The all-time series is knotted at 51-51-9.

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