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LWV to host state convention at Wabash College May 20-23

Montgomery County League of Women Voters will host the 2005 Indiana League of Women Voters Convention on the Wabash college campus Friday through Sunday.

The convention will bring together League leaders from throughout Indiana to consider and adopt programs for study and action for 2005-07, adopt a budget, elect officers, and discuss issues of concern to the League.

Plenary meetings will be conducted in International Hall of the Detchon Center on the Wabash campus. Mayor John Zumer will welcome delegates Friday evening and Montgomery County Commissioner Ed Stephens will welcome the assembly Saturday.

The international theme will be addressed by guest speakers: Peter Mikek, assistant professor of economics at Wabash, and Melissa Butler, professor of political science at Wabash. Linda McDaniel LWVUS liaison to the Indiana Leagues, will present a report from the national League and also lead a workshop on international issues addressed by the LWVUS. Additional League roundtable discussions will provide helpful ideas on membership, finance, Web sites, observer corps, and more.

Special visits to the Lane Place, Lew Wallace Study, and Old Jail Museum have been planned for the delegates. Richard and Gail Merriman will entertain delegates at the Saturday banquet. Evening receptions for delegates will be conducted in the homes of Emmy and Hall Peebles and Edith and Richard Dallinger.

For more information see:

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