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Reunion Dinners Cap Saturday's Big Bash Activities

After a long day of fun, chapel sing and colloquiums, more than 250 Wabash Alums sat down Saturday night for Big Bash ’05 reunion dinners and receptions.

A Bash highlight is always the Saturday night class dinners. Alums, family, friends, faculty and staff gathered in different locations across campus to celebrate the Wabash men’s class reunions. (See photo album at bottom of page.)

Men paired off at the receptions, with and without wives, to relive old memories or discuss business or common interests. Many of the reunion meals started with an introduction of classmates in the tradition of all Wabash men sharing a common experience whether they knew each other or not while on campus during their undergraduate years.

Many of the classes had speeches, honors, a practical joke or memory to share after dinner was served and enjoyed. Most of the dinners included college administrators and faculty. There were even a few current students in the mix to share in the brotherhood.

Big Bash ’05 concludes Sunday with church services and the Big Bash Awards Brunch.

Hewitt is Wabash College's Director of New Media/Web Editor.

In photo:

Bill Bitner, Dayton, OH., shows off the little red Ws he made with a white 55 painted on as keepsakes for his 50-year reunion classmates.

Photos in all albums by Jim Amidon, Steve Charles and Hewitt.


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