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Easton to Lecture on Feminism

Michelle Easton, president of the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute, will give a free public lecture on Wednesday, April 5 at 7:00 p.m. in Baxter Hall on the Wabash Campus. The title of her talk is "The Failures of Feminism."

Easton travels widely to promote conservative principles and spoken to scores of conferences and meetings. Her television appearances include Firing Line, the Fox News Channel, AM Washington, News Talk Television, National Empowerment Television, Public Television, and C-SPAN. She has been interviewed on hundreds of talk radio programs. Articles she wrote have been published in The Wall Street Journal, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, Human Events, The Washington Times and many other newspapers and publications.

Easton received presidential appointments from both Presidents Reagan and Bush with Senate confirmation for her position at the U.S. Department of Education, where she served for seven of the 12 years with the federal government.

In 1994, Virginia Governor George Allen appointed Easton to the Virginia State Board of Education, whose members later elected her President of the Board. She led the Board to create nationally acclaimed academic standards, tests, and a rigorous new system of accountability for both students and schools. Prior to her government service, Michelle worked five years for Young Americans for Freedom and two years for National Right to Work, putting herself through law school at night to graduate from American University's Washington School of Law in 1980. She received her bachelor's degree in from Briarcliff College in New York.

Easton’s visit is sponsored by the Wabash Commentary.

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